
Hi Chris,

So glad you are still here and kicking and enjoying some amazing trips when you are able to. Hope the NE trip this fall works out for you.

Grocery lists are about the only lists I make, too. If I didn't make those, there'd be way too many trips to the store!

Thank you reading, liking, and sharing some thoughts on bucket lists. I appreciate you.

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Jul 3·edited Jul 5Liked by Nancy Stordahl

I am like Rudy. I don’t have one per se but after a 4 year journey with almost continual chemo there are things I want to see, do and say. I am at the end of a ‘bucket list’ trip with my husband and 3 grown adult children. It took a lot of effort and planning to get here. Delaying chemo, draining fluids from my lung and abdomen to be sure I was as good as I could be. I did put a bit of pressure on this trip merely because I wanted to share the Canadian Rockies with my kids and just spend time together. It’s important for me that they see we keep on living and enjoying life. So for me a bucket list is more mindful living and making good memories. No long list just hey let’s do this together.

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Hi Michele,

I'm sorry you've been dealing with chemo and all that other nasty stuff. It's a lot to manage, so good for you for planning and taking such a big trip. I'm sure it did take a lot of effort - especially on your part. But you did it! I'm sure it was an incredible family experience. I would love to see the Canadian Rockies, too. If I did have a bucket list, that would be on it! I'm sure some wonderful memories were made. Living and enjoying life is exactly what you exemplified.

Thank you for sharing. I appreciate you. My best to you.

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I don't have a bucket list -- Mostly I make lists for Home Depot and the grocery store. Sometimes I have a list for phone calls I need to make or return. I've made timelines and lists for when I've moved and that's actually pretty helpful as well as satisfying. I stopped making lists of goals a long time ago, as life always intervened with other plans that changed the goals anyway. Other than reminding me why I'm shopping in Home Depot, lists just take me away from the serendipity of living life in all its messy, wonderful ways.

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Hi Stephanie,

I make shopping lists, too. Most of the time anyway. I feel like goals are more general and don't sound so much like a "do before you die" list. I rarely make goal lists either, though. But a bucket list - never even considered making one of those. "Lists just take me away from the serendipity of living life in all its messy, wonderful ways." Love that. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on bucket lists. I appreciate you.

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Jul 4Liked by Nancy Stordahl

Hi Nancy, no, no bucket list, but I would love to spend a month in a little cottage in Scotland. I've been there once and I'm pretty sure I could live there! Otherwise, we just go day to day around here. If my bucket list included mowing the lawn and getting the housework done then I'm doing great!

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Hi Donna,

Gosh, spending a month in a little cottage in Scotland does sound lovely. Would you go back to the same one you stayed in?

Day by day is how most of us operate, I think. Your sentence about mowing the lawn and getting housework done made me laugh. Doing all that and squeezing in some time to write, read, walk the dog, visit the grandkids, or do nothing at all feels like enough for me.

Thank you for chiming in. I appreciate you being here.

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We stayed in a nice hotel last time but I'd like to stay in a village sometime. I guess I read too many novels about it!

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No, I don’t have a bucket list. I’m a naturally adventurous person and I have already done the things I really wanted to do. If I think of something new I want to do, I will do it, not put it on a list for some future day that might never come. I don’t believe in the sentiment “he who dies with the most toys, wins”. A sense of contentment on most days is an achievement that I strive for. Thanks for another thought-provoking post, Nancy!

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Hi Alene,

It's amazing and wonderful that you have already done the things you really wanted to do. It's also great that you do something when you are able rather than putting it on a list to get done sometime in the future. A sense of contentment on most days is an achievement we could all strive for. Love that! Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I appreciate you.

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Thanks, and I appreciate you!

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Jul 4Liked by Nancy Stordahl

No bucket list for me, in fact, no lists at all, other than shopping

reminders. I started a job list once, but for every job I ticked off, I added one, or two, or more....so I quit it pretty quickly. Since I was diagnosed less than 2 weeks after retirement from a 37 year long career, I really did not know what was "next" for me, or IF I had time to make plans beyond surviving. Now, seven plus years later, I have become much more spontaneous. Who needs a list? I go with the flow as much

as possible, and it gives me great joy to live in the moment!

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Hi Lynda,

Nice to meet a fellow no-list maker! Other than for shopping and during the holidays, I rarely make them. I'm sorry you were diagnosed two weeks after retirement. That must've been a blow. I'm glad you're still here after 7 years and hopefully doing well.

Here's to living spontaneously and/or going with the flow! Thank you for commenting. I appreciate you and wish you all the best.

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Excellent post, Nancy!

I'm not a bucket list person either. Some people feel they must go to place 1, 2, and 3 before they die. When I was diagnosed with cancer, all I cared about (like so many people) was being alive. I definitely wanted a child, and it took lots of work post-cancer to fulfill that dream.

My needs are simple: to lead a quality life, spend time with loved ones, and create art and writing.

Now about lists: I have a daily to-do list, where I cross off tasks like "create art" and "do laundry" but not because I have a fetish for lists, but because of my permanent chemobrain not being able to remember stuff. So I have an online calendar and put items on my daily list so they won't be forgotten. I do enjoy crossing off items from my list, but if I don't accomplish everything, no sweat.

Thank you for this post. I so enjoyed it.

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Hi Beth,

It's so interesting that you make a daily list but don't have a bucket list. I hear you on that chemo brain reason for making lists regarding getting daily tasks done.

I wonder if I'm the only one on the planet who doesn't utilize an online planner of some sort or at least the calendar on my phone to plug in reminders, lists, and such. I'm terribly unorganized, but still I don't do it. I should probably try to start.

Thank you for reading my post. I'm glad you enjoyed it. I appreciate you and your ongoing support.

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I wouldn't say I have a bucket list, but there are some things I'd like to do or see. If they happen, cool, If they don't, that's ok. I do like the idea of having a goal to work toward, but actually accomplishing the goal is less important. I mean, it's still important to me, but it's not as important as me trying. The only way to fail is to not try. In many ways, nothing is ever complete. If I visit someplace I've never been to, I am sure it will inspire other thoughts. If those lead anywhere then cool. If not, that's ok, too. As long as I'm after something. It doesn't need to be huge. It just needs to be something.

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Hi Rudy,

I like the idea of goals more, too. Interesting that you don't feel compelled to accomplish a goal. That's a lot less pressure! I agree, the trying part is what matters most and having something to "go after". You're probably right that nothing is ever complete. For ex, no matter how many times we visit a place, each time is different because we've changed, the place has, or whatever. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on bucket lists. I appreciate you.

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Hi Nancy, Well, once again you and I have differing points of view, LOL. Unlike you, I DO have a bucket list. And, you're right - it's basically a list of things I want to do before I die, although I think of it as things I want to do while I'm alive. Subtle, but in my mind, it's a difference. I like lists, if it's not written down somewhere I'm going to forget it, or it's going to run around in my head, bugging me and creating anxiety, so I write everything down on lists. I have a To Do List every single day. And, I'm retired! But, anyway, about those bucket lists - I have one and most of it is countries I want to see before I leave this earth. And since I started it, during my breast cancer treatments, I have done a good bit of traveling and seen quite a few of them. To each his own. We all do what we need to do, to get through this life post cancer, I suppose. I always enjoy your posts. Take care, Claudia

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Hi Claudia,

Oh gosh, the way you frame it is so much better - things to do while you're alive!

I'm glad making lists helps you. Isn't it funny how for you, making lists decreases anxiety and for me, making them seems to increase it. In some cases, anyway.

I'm also glad you've been able to do all that traveling. I always enjoy the photos you share on social media. On a side note, travel increases anxiety for me. I'm very much a home body.

You are so right, to each our own here ,too. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on bucket lists. I appreciate you.

Here's to lots more travel for you and lots less anxiety.

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Jul 7Liked by Nancy Stordahl

Hi Nancy, Guess I have a mental bucket list; Cancer journey started in 1989. Have been Stage IV for quite awhile. Twice I put my "affairs" in order after more dire news. I am still here and kicking and enjoying some trips with BFF of 68 years. March we got to see the Northern Lights in Alaska 3 nights; a trip that was talked about a lot but timing for me always fell apart due to "health issues". This fall we are retrying a trip to the NE that we could not finish and had to come home early due to "health issues". So for her and I it is always an amazement to see or do something that has become questionable at times.

P.S. The only real lists I make are grocery. as the days of remembering what I need are over

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No…no bucket list for me.

A grocery list, probably, because otherwise too many trips to the grocery store makes one very weary!

The goal in my last third of life is…

…to see with eyes of wonder

…to stop yearning to be somewhere else

…to see the extraordinary in the ordinary

…to live in the now

…to be grateful in all circumstances

Oh! Hmmm…did I just make a bucket list?

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