I think that this month should be Metastatic Breast Cancer Awareness Month #MBCAM, instead of just one day. Then we’d have honest discussions about this disease.

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Hi Susan,

Yes! There could at least be a week designated for MBC focus.. Ultimately, more focus and $$ on MBC would benefit all stages. Thank you for reading and commenting. I appreciate you.

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I've always felt conflicted about BCAM, and you've articulated those feelings perfectly. The focus on early detection, while important, often overshadows the realities of metastatic breast cancer and the ongoing struggles of survivors.

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Hi Marie,

I've felt the same. Generally, I've tried to use it as a chance to get louder with my advocacy. But admittedly, I wonder how many times and how many different ways can we keep saying this stuff? I think things have improved since you and I started writing about it, don't you agree? I like to think so anyway. Thank you for reading and commenting, too. I appreciate you. x

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Hi Nancy,

We certainly care about what you think and write, and this post is no different. I do notice a sea change of decreased sexualization of breast cancer in our society, which is progress, but it is not enough. I've appreciated your advocacy all these years, and all your posts. They do make a difference.

My PTSD has flared up because this is my first post-treatment BCAM without my oncologist, who as you know, retired recently. Right now, I feel like I'm floating in outer space, with nothing to center me. But I know it's a matter of time before I get a new oncologist.

It's amazing that you published this piece at the same time I was writing my article on BCAM and a few things about my breast cancer experience, which will be live tomorrow.

In the meantime, I'm hunkering down and trying to enjoy October and not think too much about BCAM.

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Hi Beth,

Thank you for your kind words about my writing and advocacy. I think there is decreased sexualization and trivialization, but both are still happening, and MBC is still not front and center, as it should be.

I'm sorry your PTSO has flared up and that you feel so untethered without an oncologist. I understand. I hope you can find one that's a good fit for you.

Here's to enjoying October. Fall color is kicking in where I live now, and it's gorgeous. I look forward to reading your article. Thank you for reading mine and commenting, too. I appreciate you.

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This is my 3rd BCAM since being diagnosed de novo MBC. I've been stable for the past 2 years. The treatment options leave me feeling very ill. I am not a monolith. I also have rhuemetoid and osteoarthritis. The AIs intensify my bone pain to the point that I cannot get out if bed. Cancer treatments have also given me osteoporosis. I've broken my arm and clavicle in the past 2 years from a minor trip and fall. I think I should wrap myself in bubble wrap. I have never felt so fragile in all my life.

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Hi Shelly,

I don't blame you for feeling so fragile. Treatment for MBC is brutal. Another thing we need via research is less harsh treatments. I'm sorry you are dealing with so much bone pain - and all the rest of the crap too. It's so hard. You are seen and heard here.

I'm wondering how you feel abut BCAM. Do you hate it, or are you ambivalent? Thank you for reading and taking time to comment, too. I appreciate you.

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Hi Nancy, YES we care about what you think and write about!! I know I care about every word you write. Today I'm sitting home alone with a miserable respiratory virus while my family is in Havre visiting our newest granddaughter. 3 weeks old. Am I feeling bitter? Who me?? I don't love BCAM. maybe I would give it more respect if they named it MSTBCAM. It doesn't bother me as much as it used to but still... I will always think of my mother and yours and all those we've lost to this horrible disease, and all those who are newly diagnosed , and all those who are still suffering and trying to figure out how to get through this day and the next. Yes, we need to be doing more to wipe out metastatic bc. That's where my thoughts and energy will be directed this Oct.

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Hi Donna,

I'm sorry to hear you are dealing with a miserable respiratory virus. If it makes you feel any better, I've had something similar for three weeks now, and I'm still not over it. I did go to urgent care and we tried antibiotics because mine turned into a sinus infection. Husband went in today, but of course, they concluded it's likely a virus. So, we have to ride it out. Ugh! I hope you feel better soon. It's horrible to miss out on those newborn snuggles!

As for BCAM... I'm not sure I get as riled up as I used to either. I think things have improved. I like to think all the advocacy work from so many is paying off. But, of course, MBC still does not get the attention or research funding it needs and deserves. It's where my thoughts and energy always lead me, too. And like you, I think about all those newbies trying to figure out how to get through the day...

Finally, thank you for saying you care about what I write about. You made my day! I appreciate you. Get well soon! xx

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Nancy, I wrote an opinion piece titled "It's time for Breast Cancer Awareness Month to rebrand" and it was published in the local newspaper. The editor told me I made some very strong points. If you would like to read it, please let me know how to forward it to you. Meredith Clark

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Hi Meredith,

Oh my gosh, that is just great! Good for you. And thank you for doing that! I would love to read it. I'm not sure how you can forward it to me. Maybe you can just email it to me. Does the newspaper have an online link? That might work.

Thank you for reading and commenting on my article. I appreciate you.

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I will email the article to you. The subject line will be It's time for BCAM to rebrand.

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Hi Meredith,

Got it. Thank you!

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Love this

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Hi Carmen,

Thank you for reading. Appreciate you.

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